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This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to Drupal

1) Click the Administer link

Now let’s learn how to configure our site

2) Then click Site configuration

3) Click the Administration theme link

This is the Site Configuration page where we can modify many aspects of our Drupal site

4) Click here to show the theme dropdown menu and seletct a new theme

This is the theme page where we can change the look of our Drupal Administration area

5) Click Save configuration

As you can see, our theme has changed to the bluemarine theme

6) Let’s change back to the default theme

That’s it!  Our theme has been changed back to the default

7) Next, click the Clean URLs link

If this option is enabled, the URL’s created by Drupal will be “clean” which will make them more efficient for search engine indexing.  To enable Clean URLs, click here

8) Click the Date and time link

This is the Date and Time area, where we can configure how the dates and times are displayed

9) Click the Error reporting link

On this page we can customize the error report pages

10) Click the Site information link

This is the Site Information page where we can set a name and slogan for our Drupal site

11) Enter a Name for the site here

12) Then enter your Email address

13) You can optionally enter a Slogan here

14) When finished, click Save configuration

That’s it!  Our information has been changed and you can see our new site name here

This is the end of the tutorial.  You now know how to configure your site in Drupal

How to Configure Your Site in Drupal

Configuring your Drupal site involves setting up various aspects such as site information, regional settings, content authoring, and performance settings. Follow the steps below to configure your Drupal site effectively.

Steps to Configure Your Site in Drupal

Step 1: Log in to Your Drupal Admin Panel

  1. Access the Drupal site: Open your browser and go to the Drupal site where you want to manage configurations.
  2. Log in: Click on the Log in link usually located at the top right corner of the page. Enter your username and password, then click Log in.

Step 2: Navigate to the Configuration Page

After logging in, navigate to the Configuration page:

  1. Click on Manage in the top menu.
  2. In the submenu, click on Configuration.

Step 3: Configure Site Information

To configure basic site information:

  1. Under System, click on Basic site settings.
  2. Fill in the required fields such as Site name, Slogan, Email address, and Default front page.
  3. Click on Save configuration to apply your changes.

Step 4: Configure Regional Settings

To configure regional settings such as time zone and locale:

  1. Under Regional and language, click on Regional settings.
  2. Select your Default country and Time zone.
  3. Click on Save configuration to apply your changes.

Step 5: Configure Content Authoring Settings

To configure content authoring settings:

  1. Under Content authoring, click on Text formats and editors.
  2. Configure the text formats and editors according to your requirements. You can enable or disable text formats and adjust their settings.
  3. Click on Save configuration to apply your changes.

Step 6: Configure Performance Settings

To configure performance settings for your site:

  1. Under Development, click on Performance.
  2. Enable Caching options such as Cache pages for anonymous users and Cache blocks.
  3. Configure Bandwidth optimization settings like Aggregate CSS files and Aggregate JavaScript files.
  4. Click on Save configuration to apply your changes.

Step 7: Configure User Accounts

To configure user account settings:

  1. Under People, click on Account settings.
  2. Configure the settings such as Who can register accounts, Administrator approval, and Email verification.
  3. Click on Save configuration to apply your changes.

Step 8: Configure URL Aliases

To configure URL aliases for clean URLs:

  1. Under Search and metadata, click on URL aliases.
  2. Create path patterns for different content types and configure automatic URL alias settings.
  3. Click on Save configuration to apply your changes.

Additional Tips

  • Regularly Update Drupal: Keep your Drupal installation and modules up to date to ensure security and access to new features.
  • Backup Your Site: Regularly backup your site to prevent data loss in case of a security breach or system failure.
  • Use SEO Best Practices: Configure meta tags, URL aliases, and other SEO settings to improve your site’s visibility in search engines.
  • Monitor Site Performance: Regularly monitor site performance and make necessary adjustments to optimize speed and user experience.


By following these steps, you can effectively configure your Drupal site to meet your needs and ensure a smooth user experience. Regularly reviewing and updating your site settings will help maintain the functionality and security of your Drupal site.

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